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Cherry Blossom Trees, (Branch Brook Park, Newark, NJ)
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NYC Stock Footage
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Kevin Sanchez's "Taco Tuesday"
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Marrgiori & Carlos Wedding Promo
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Chef Big KevinSanchez demonstrates how to make your Taco Verde taste even better for you "Taco Tuesday!"
Done with a four camera set up we captured ever movement and close up shot of as Big Kev did his magic in the kitchen.
Shirley's Birthday Party 8-18-20
Filmed/Edited by: Adam B. Smith
NYC: The City of Today, Tomorrow ....the Future (Covid-19 Battle)
Imagine being in NYC, a city which has hundreds of thousands walking the streets going to work or enjoying the city life reduced to no one with a stay at home order. This video produced by A.B.S Productions, LLC will show you the true emptiness of the city during the Convid-19 Pamdemic of 2020.
Videographer: Adam B. Smith
Driver : Kevin Sanchez
Jennifer Jewel's Hair Studio
Filmed/Edited by Adam B. Smith
Black Lives Matter (Newark, NJ)
During the last week of May 2020, the world was rocked by the death of unarmed George Floyd who was killed by a Minneapolis police officer. Across the U.S, many large cities have began rioting and destroying neighborhoods for justice for Floyd.
On May 30, 2020, the city of Newark joined in to demand justice as in a peaceful historical march through Downtown Newark.
Did Not See That Coming
Here is the trailer directed by A.B.S Productions, LLC. The film tells the story of two down on their luck friends who encounter a mysterious yet well dressed man who just came in on a large sum of money, and the two friends are caught in a situation that they....did not see coming.
Released July 24th 2020
Actress/ Performer Mariann Aalda is the amazing and witty Adult Sex Educator & Mojo Motivator aka Ginger Peechee Keane. In this video this is her promo video highlighting her show "Getting Old Is a Bitch, But We're Wrestling It To the Ground."
In these January 2020 performace we've traveled to New York and Chicago filming at the sold out show which had audiences laughing on wild sex jokes through song and dance, and vital information on....SEX!
Carlos & Maggori's fall wedding 10/19/19
Steven & Ronit Late Summer wedding promo: 9/8/19